
이 강의는 유데미 강좌 중 "LangChain- Develop LLM powered applications with LangChain"와 동일한 강의이며, 한국어 자막이 기존 강의와 다르게 전문 한글 자막이 제공됩니다. 또한 강의 내용에 대한 질문은 Q&A에 영어로 남겨주시면 오리지널 강사님으로부터 답변을 받으실 수 있습니다. 강의 내용 외의 문의는 한국어로 남겨주셔도 되며, 웅진씽크빅 글로벌에서 매일 확인하여 답변드리고 있으니 편하게 질문해주세요! :)

유데미에서 처음 만나는 랭체인 코스 - LLM 의 위력을 경험하기 에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

이 강의에서는 LLM 애플리케이션을 위해 랭체인 라이브러리를 매우 빠르게, 100% 활용하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.

이 코스에서는 다양한 분야에서 최첨단 LLM 솔루션을 개발하는 데 필요한 기술과 지식을 배울 수 있어요!

이 코스는 초보자용이 아닙니다. 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대한 배경 지식이 있고 파이썬에 능숙한 분들을 대상으로 합니다. 저는 파이참 IDE를 사용하지만, 원하는 편집기를 사용하셔도 됩니다. 디버깅, 스크립트 실행과 같은 IDE의 기본 기능만 사용할 거니까요.

이 과정에서는 랭체인을 사용하여 실제 LLM 기반 애플리케이션을 구축하는 과정을 처음부터 같이 합니다. 우리가 구축할 애플리케이션은 입력한 이름에 대한 정보를 인터넷에서 크롤링하여, 그 사람과 대화를 시작할 수 있는 맞춤형 대화 소재를 만들어 내도록 설계되었습니다.

이 코스에서 다루는 주제는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 랭체인

  • 기록 (History)

  • LLM: Few shots 프롬프팅, 생각의 사슬, ReAct 프롬프팅

  • 대화 모델

  • 프롬프트, 프롬프트 템플릿

  • 출력 파서 (Output Parsers)

  • 체인 : Sequential 체인, LLM 체인, 검색 QA 체인

  • 에이전트, 사용자 지정 에이전트

  • 도구, 툴킷

  • 메모리

  • 벡터스토어(Pinecone, FAISS)

  • DocumentLoaders, TextSplitters

  • Streamlit (UI 용)

이 강의에서는 실습을 하면서 실제 프로젝트를 통해 다루는 개념과 기술을 확실히 이해할 수 있어요. 이 코스를 다 배우면 랭체인을 사용하여 다양한 곳에 사용할 수 있는 강력하고 효율적이며 활용 가능한 LLM 애플리케이션을 만드는 데 능숙해질 거예요!

이 코스는 단순한 강의 코스가 아니라 커뮤니티이기도 해요.  이 코스는 평생 무제한으로 들을 수 있고, 다음과 같은 혜택도 있어요:

  1. 제가 1:1 전담으로 문제를 해결하도록 도와드립니다

  2. 추가 AI 리소스, FAQ, 문제 해결 가이드가 있는 Github 링크를 드려요

  3. 다른 학습자(1000명 이상)와 소통할 수 있는 전용 디스코드 커뮤니티에 들어오실 수 있어요

  4. 추가 비용 없이 지속적으로 코스를 업데이트합니다

(다시 한번 강조) 이 코스는 초보자용이 아닙니다. 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대한 배경 지식이 있고 파이썬에 능숙한 분들을 대상으로 합니다. 저는 파이참 IDE를 사용하지만, 원하는 편집기를 사용하셔도 됩니다. 디버깅, 스크립트 실행과 같은 IDE의 기본 기능만 사용할 거니까요.


이 강의는 유데미 강좌 중 "LangChain- Develop LLM powered applications with LangChain"와 동일한 강의이며, 한국어 자막이 기존 강의와 다르게 전문 한글 자막이 제공됩니다. 또한 강의 내용에 대한 질문은 Q&A에 영어로 남겨주시면 오리지널 강사님으로부터 답변을 받으실 수 있습니다. 강의 내용 외의 문의는 한국어로 남겨주셔도 되며, 웅진씽크빅 글로벌에서 매일 확인하여 답변드리고 있으니 편하게 질문해주세요! :)

유데미에서 처음 만나는 랭체인 코스 - LLM 의 위력을 경험하기 에 오신 것을 환영합니다!

이 강의에서는 LLM 애플리케이션을 위해 랭체인 라이브러리를 매우 빠르게, 100% 활용하는 방법을 배울 수 있습니다.

이 코스에서는 다양한 분야에서 최첨단 LLM 솔루션을 개발하는 데 필요한 기술과 지식을 배울 수 있어요!

이 코스는 초보자용이 아닙니다. 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대한 배경 지식이 있고 파이썬에 능숙한 분들을 대상으로 합니다. 저는 파이참 IDE를 사용하지만, 원하는 편집기를 사용하셔도 됩니다. 디버깅, 스크립트 실행과 같은 IDE의 기본 기능만 사용할 거니까요.

이 과정에서는 랭체인을 사용하여 실제 LLM 기반 애플리케이션을 구축하는 과정을 처음부터 같이 합니다. 우리가 구축할 애플리케이션은 입력한 이름에 대한 정보를 인터넷에서 크롤링하여, 그 사람과 대화를 시작할 수 있는 맞춤형 대화 소재를 만들어 내도록 설계되었습니다.

이 코스에서 다루는 주제는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 랭체인

  • 기록 (History)

  • LLM: Few shots 프롬프팅, 생각의 사슬, ReAct 프롬프팅

  • 대화 모델

  • 프롬프트, 프롬프트 템플릿

  • 출력 파서 (Output Parsers)

  • 체인 : Sequential 체인, LLM 체인, 검색 QA 체인

  • 에이전트, 사용자 지정 에이전트

  • 도구, 툴킷

  • 메모리

  • 벡터스토어(Pinecone, FAISS)

  • DocumentLoaders, TextSplitters

  • Streamlit (UI 용)

이 강의에서는 실습을 하면서 실제 프로젝트를 통해 다루는 개념과 기술을 확실히 이해할 수 있어요. 이 코스를 다 배우면 랭체인을 사용하여 다양한 곳에 사용할 수 있는 강력하고 효율적이며 활용 가능한 LLM 애플리케이션을 만드는 데 능숙해질 거예요!

이 코스는 단순한 강의 코스가 아니라 커뮤니티이기도 해요.  이 코스는 평생 무제한으로 들을 수 있고, 다음과 같은 혜택도 있어요:

  1. 제가 1:1 전담으로 문제를 해결하도록 도와드립니다

  2. 추가 AI 리소스, FAQ, 문제 해결 가이드가 있는 Github 링크를 드려요

  3. 다른 학습자(1000명 이상)와 소통할 수 있는 전용 디스코드 커뮤니티에 들어오실 수 있어요

  4. 추가 비용 없이 지속적으로 코스를 업데이트합니다

(다시 한번 강조) 이 코스는 초보자용이 아닙니다. 소프트웨어 엔지니어링에 대한 배경 지식이 있고 파이썬에 능숙한 분들을 대상으로 합니다. 저는 파이참 IDE를 사용하지만, 원하는 편집기를 사용하셔도 됩니다. 디버깅, 스크립트 실행과 같은 IDE의 기본 기능만 사용할 거니까요.


Welcome to the Comprehensive Generative AI Course, your gateway to mastering the exciting world of Generative Artificial Intelligence. With this course, you'll gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this rapidly growing field which is expected to be valued at $100 billion over the next years.

With multiple hours of content, world class slides and resources, this course is the most detailed Generative AI course you will find. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's why:

  • The course is taught by a PhD in computer science with multiple publications who has taught in multiple universities all over the world for years.

  • The course has been created to be 2023 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as OpenAI.

  • This course doesn't cut any corners, there are beautiful detailed presentations, assignments, projects, downloadable resources, articles, and so much more.

  • The curriculum was developed over years while the instructor taught at the university level, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.

  • We've taught thousands of students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startup.

  • The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - that's you!

We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to understand Generative AI and succeed in the industry.

The course includes multiple hours of HD video tutorials and builds your knowledge while working on actual assignments.

In this comprehensive Generative AI course, you'll explore a variety of tools and technologies, including:

  • Prompt design and its importance in generating desired outputs

  • Foundation Models and their impact on Generative AI development

  • Building apps with AppSheet and integrating Generative AI

  • Different types of Generative AI models (text to text, text to image, etc.)

  • Code generation using Generative AI models like Bard, ChatGPT 3.5, and GPT-4

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) and their advantages

  • Prompt Engineering techniques in LLMs

  • Building conversational AI engines

  • Deep Learning and its significance in AI

  • Task-specific Models available in the Model Garden

  • Model training and deployment with Gen AI Studio and Maker Suit

  • Creating custom Gen AI apps

  • And SO much more!

With the knowledge gained throughout the course, you'll be ready to leverage Generative AI techniques to bring your creative visions to life and develop innovative solutions in various domains.

Sign up today, and look forward to:

  • Animated Video Lectures

  • 5+ Hours of University Professor Instruction

  • Generative AI Assignments and Projects

  • Quizzes & Opportunities to Practice

  • Downloadable Programming Resources and Cheatsheets

  • Tailor-made Generative AI Articles

  • $1000+ worth of Generative AI course materials and course curriculum

We're excited to have you as part of Evergreen Programming. So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join this world class Generative AI course.

See you inside.


Welcome to the Comprehensive Generative AI Course, your gateway to mastering the exciting world of Generative Artificial Intelligence. With this course, you'll gain the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this rapidly growing field which is expected to be valued at $100 billion over the next years.

With multiple hours of content, world class slides and resources, this course is the most detailed Generative AI course you will find. Even if you have zero programming experience, this course will take you from beginner to mastery. Here's why:

  • The course is taught by a PhD in computer science with multiple publications who has taught in multiple universities all over the world for years.

  • The course has been created to be 2023 ready and you'll be learning the latest tools and technologies used at large companies such as OpenAI.

  • This course doesn't cut any corners, there are beautiful detailed presentations, assignments, projects, downloadable resources, articles, and so much more.

  • The curriculum was developed over years while the instructor taught at the university level, with comprehensive student testing and feedback.

  • We've taught thousands of students how to code and many have gone on to change their lives by becoming professional developers or starting their own tech startup.

  • The course is constantly updated with new content, with new projects and modules determined by students - that's you!

We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know to understand Generative AI and succeed in the industry.

The course includes multiple hours of HD video tutorials and builds your knowledge while working on actual assignments.

In this comprehensive Generative AI course, you'll explore a variety of tools and technologies, including:

  • Prompt design and its importance in generating desired outputs

  • Foundation Models and their impact on Generative AI development

  • Building apps with AppSheet and integrating Generative AI

  • Different types of Generative AI models (text to text, text to image, etc.)

  • Code generation using Generative AI models like Bard, ChatGPT 3.5, and GPT-4

  • Large Language Models (LLMs) and their advantages

  • Prompt Engineering techniques in LLMs

  • Building conversational AI engines

  • Deep Learning and its significance in AI

  • Task-specific Models available in the Model Garden

  • Model training and deployment with Gen AI Studio and Maker Suit

  • Creating custom Gen AI apps

  • And SO much more!

With the knowledge gained throughout the course, you'll be ready to leverage Generative AI techniques to bring your creative visions to life and develop innovative solutions in various domains.

Sign up today, and look forward to:

  • Animated Video Lectures

  • 5+ Hours of University Professor Instruction

  • Generative AI Assignments and Projects

  • Quizzes & Opportunities to Practice

  • Downloadable Programming Resources and Cheatsheets

  • Tailor-made Generative AI Articles

  • $1000+ worth of Generative AI course materials and course curriculum

We're excited to have you as part of Evergreen Programming. So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join this world class Generative AI course.

See you inside.


Delve into the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence with "ChatGPT for Developers: Mastering OpenAI's APIs with Python". As AI continues to reshape the technological landscape, proficiency in tools like OpenAI's Python API has become an invaluable asset. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to seamlessly integrate these cutting-edge APIs into your Python applications.

Starting with the basics, you will learn how to set up your OpenAI account, manage API keys, and comprehend the concept of tokens. We will guide you through prompt techniques, ranging from formatting prompts to few-shot and CoT prompting, allowing you to unlock the full potential of OpenAI's API suite.

Next, we delve into working with chat models, focusing on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. You will gain a deep understanding of system messages and chat memory management. This course ensures that you comprehend essential aspects such as moderation and evaluation of these chat models, a crucial aspect of any AI application.

Section four takes you into the exciting world of model embedding. You'll learn how to work with Search, Topic Clustering, and Classification, expanding the capabilities of your AI applications.

Finally, the course wraps up with a thorough examination of fine-tuning. You will understand the process of preparing datasets and fine-tuning a classification model.

Whether you are an experienced Python developer or a budding enthusiast, this course offers a pathway to upskill, stay relevant, and dominate the AI development space.

Immerse yourself in this comprehensive guide to mastering OpenAI's APIs with Python and embark on a journey to transform the way you develop intelligent applications.


Delve into the fascinating realm of artificial intelligence with "ChatGPT for Developers: Mastering OpenAI's APIs with Python". As AI continues to reshape the technological landscape, proficiency in tools like OpenAI's Python API has become an invaluable asset. This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to seamlessly integrate these cutting-edge APIs into your Python applications.

Starting with the basics, you will learn how to set up your OpenAI account, manage API keys, and comprehend the concept of tokens. We will guide you through prompt techniques, ranging from formatting prompts to few-shot and CoT prompting, allowing you to unlock the full potential of OpenAI's API suite.

Next, we delve into working with chat models, focusing on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. You will gain a deep understanding of system messages and chat memory management. This course ensures that you comprehend essential aspects such as moderation and evaluation of these chat models, a crucial aspect of any AI application.

Section four takes you into the exciting world of model embedding. You'll learn how to work with Search, Topic Clustering, and Classification, expanding the capabilities of your AI applications.

Finally, the course wraps up with a thorough examination of fine-tuning. You will understand the process of preparing datasets and fine-tuning a classification model.

Whether you are an experienced Python developer or a budding enthusiast, this course offers a pathway to upskill, stay relevant, and dominate the AI development space.

Immerse yourself in this comprehensive guide to mastering OpenAI's APIs with Python and embark on a journey to transform the way you develop intelligent applications.


Willkommen zu "KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes": Entdecke und skaliere Deine kreative Kraft!"

In diesem Kurs tauchst Du ein in die faszinierende Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz, Text-zu-Sprache und DeepFakes.

Du bekommst Einblicke in modernste KI-Technologien wie ChatGPT, Midjourney und WAV2LIP, um Dein kreatives Potenzial zu entfesseln dein Business zu skalieren un dadurch mehr Geld zu verdienen.

Stell Dir vor, Du kannst atemberaubende Videos erstellen, die alle Grenzen sprengen.

Mit diesem Kurs gewinnst Du eine Fülle von innovativen Techniken, um Deine kreativen Ideen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen:

  1. Stimmenklon - Gib Deinen Gedanken Leben. Lerne, wie Du jede gewünschte Stimme imitieren kannst und erstelle unvergessliche Geschichten.

  2. Video-Voiceover-Manipulation - Gestalte die Realität nach Deinem Willen. Meistere die Kunst der Video-Voiceover-Bearbeitung und schaffe fesselnde Inhalte, die Dein Publikum fesseln.

  3. Skalieren von deinem Unternehmen durch Text-to-speech

Mein Kurs bietet für jeden etwas, egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrener Profi.

Du lernst, wie man KI-Tools wie ElevenLabs, Murf AI, Voice to Lip, ChatGPT und Midjourney effektiv einsetzt, und wirst Teil einer unterstützenden Community von Gleichgesinnten.

In "KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes" wirst Du:

  • Die Techniken des Stimmenklonens meistern und KI-Tools wie ChatGPT und Midjourney für atemberaubende Kreationen nutzen.

  • Lernen, wie Du Text-to-Speech-Technologien wie ElevenLabs, Murf, Facebook [Meta] und Amazon optimal einsetzen kannst.

  • Entdecken, wie Du Text-to-Speech zur Skalierung Deines Unternehmens einsetzen kannst, um Zeit und Kosten zu sparen.

  • Neue Einkommensquellen in der Welt der DeepFakes erschließen, ob als Filmemacher, Content Creator, Voiceover-Künstler oder Social-Media-Influencer.

  • Du lernst die Technologie Wave 2 Lip kennen.

"KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes" ist ideal für kreative Köpfe, Influencer, Marketingprofis und Unternehmer, die ihren kreativen Horizont erweitern und die transformative Kraft der KI-Technologie nutzen wollen.

Nutze diese Chance, die fesselnde Kraft von Text-zu-Sprache und KI-Technologien wie ChatGPT und Midjourney zu nutzen, um Deine kreative Vision zum Leben zu erwecken.

Melde Dich noch heute für "KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes: Dein kreativer Booster" an und werde zum Meister der DeepFakes und Text-to-Speech!


Willkommen zu "KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes": Entdecke und skaliere Deine kreative Kraft!"

In diesem Kurs tauchst Du ein in die faszinierende Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz, Text-zu-Sprache und DeepFakes.

Du bekommst Einblicke in modernste KI-Technologien wie ChatGPT, Midjourney und WAV2LIP, um Dein kreatives Potenzial zu entfesseln dein Business zu skalieren un dadurch mehr Geld zu verdienen.

Stell Dir vor, Du kannst atemberaubende Videos erstellen, die alle Grenzen sprengen.

Mit diesem Kurs gewinnst Du eine Fülle von innovativen Techniken, um Deine kreativen Ideen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen:

  1. Stimmenklon - Gib Deinen Gedanken Leben. Lerne, wie Du jede gewünschte Stimme imitieren kannst und erstelle unvergessliche Geschichten.

  2. Video-Voiceover-Manipulation - Gestalte die Realität nach Deinem Willen. Meistere die Kunst der Video-Voiceover-Bearbeitung und schaffe fesselnde Inhalte, die Dein Publikum fesseln.

  3. Skalieren von deinem Unternehmen durch Text-to-speech

Mein Kurs bietet für jeden etwas, egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrener Profi.

Du lernst, wie man KI-Tools wie ElevenLabs, Murf AI, Voice to Lip, ChatGPT und Midjourney effektiv einsetzt, und wirst Teil einer unterstützenden Community von Gleichgesinnten.

In "KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes" wirst Du:

  • Die Techniken des Stimmenklonens meistern und KI-Tools wie ChatGPT und Midjourney für atemberaubende Kreationen nutzen.

  • Lernen, wie Du Text-to-Speech-Technologien wie ElevenLabs, Murf, Facebook [Meta] und Amazon optimal einsetzen kannst.

  • Entdecken, wie Du Text-to-Speech zur Skalierung Deines Unternehmens einsetzen kannst, um Zeit und Kosten zu sparen.

  • Neue Einkommensquellen in der Welt der DeepFakes erschließen, ob als Filmemacher, Content Creator, Voiceover-Künstler oder Social-Media-Influencer.

  • Du lernst die Technologie Wave 2 Lip kennen.

"KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes" ist ideal für kreative Köpfe, Influencer, Marketingprofis und Unternehmer, die ihren kreativen Horizont erweitern und die transformative Kraft der KI-Technologie nutzen wollen.

Nutze diese Chance, die fesselnde Kraft von Text-zu-Sprache und KI-Technologien wie ChatGPT und Midjourney zu nutzen, um Deine kreative Vision zum Leben zu erwecken.

Melde Dich noch heute für "KI-Stimmen & Deep Fakes: Dein kreativer Booster" an und werde zum Meister der DeepFakes und Text-to-Speech!


Are you a freelancer on Fiverr or someone who's eager to earn a profitable passive income online but can't seem to break through the competitive market? Do you struggle to stand out with your content or find it challenging to optimize your copywriting for SEO and conversions? The online space is crowded, and it can be difficult to carve out your niche and find success.

The pressure of constant content creation, learning how to write persuasive copy, mastering SEO, generating passive income, and maintaining the pace of the online world can be overwhelming. You know you need to stand out, but without the right tools and knowledge, you're left in the shadows, and your earning potential is greatly diminished.

Solution: This is where the "12 in 1 ChatGPT Fiverr Copywriting Hacks: Make Money Online" course comes in. Learn how to leverage the power of AI and ChatGPT to generate lucrative income streams and stand out in the online marketplace. This course will teach you:

  • How to use ChatGPT for email sequence copywriting that converts leads into customers

  • The secrets of SEO-optimized content creation to rank Higher on search results

  • The art of crafting persuasive product descriptions to skyrocket your sales

  • Ways to publish ebooks and monetize your knowledge

  • How to write compelling podcast and interview scripts

  • Using AI to create powerful ad copy for Facebook, Instagram, and Google

  • Crafting CVs and cover letters that get noticed

  • Designing effective social media calendars

  • How to write a high-converting landing page sales copy

  • The power of transcription extensions and infographics in engaging your audience

Moreover, you'll master how to ensure your content's originality using Grammarly and AI content detectors, and we'll guide you through the process of optimizing your work for SEO. Stand out on Fiverr by reverse engineering your competition and offering a unique selling proposition.

Discover how to reach out to customers with a powerful email marketing strategy, cold calling strategies, and the right mindset. Learn the secret copywriting frameworks that will take your content to the next level.

With this course, your road to a profitable online income just became a lot clearer. Transform your freelance career with the power of ChatGPT and AI – start today!


Are you a freelancer on Fiverr or someone who's eager to earn a profitable passive income online but can't seem to break through the competitive market? Do you struggle to stand out with your content or find it challenging to optimize your copywriting for SEO and conversions? The online space is crowded, and it can be difficult to carve out your niche and find success.

The pressure of constant content creation, learning how to write persuasive copy, mastering SEO, generating passive income, and maintaining the pace of the online world can be overwhelming. You know you need to stand out, but without the right tools and knowledge, you're left in the shadows, and your earning potential is greatly diminished.

Solution: This is where the "12 in 1 ChatGPT Fiverr Copywriting Hacks: Make Money Online" course comes in. Learn how to leverage the power of AI and ChatGPT to generate lucrative income streams and stand out in the online marketplace. This course will teach you:

  • How to use ChatGPT for email sequence copywriting that converts leads into customers

  • The secrets of SEO-optimized content creation to rank Higher on search results

  • The art of crafting persuasive product descriptions to skyrocket your sales

  • Ways to publish ebooks and monetize your knowledge

  • How to write compelling podcast and interview scripts

  • Using AI to create powerful ad copy for Facebook, Instagram, and Google

  • Crafting CVs and cover letters that get noticed

  • Designing effective social media calendars

  • How to write a high-converting landing page sales copy

  • The power of transcription extensions and infographics in engaging your audience

Moreover, you'll master how to ensure your content's originality using Grammarly and AI content detectors, and we'll guide you through the process of optimizing your work for SEO. Stand out on Fiverr by reverse engineering your competition and offering a unique selling proposition.

Discover how to reach out to customers with a powerful email marketing strategy, cold calling strategies, and the right mindset. Learn the secret copywriting frameworks that will take your content to the next level.

With this course, your road to a profitable online income just became a lot clearer. Transform your freelance career with the power of ChatGPT and AI – start today!